Summary of techniques

The two sides of the same coin: the human body and the skis

A. From top to bottom: using body weight shifting to guide the movement of the skis

B. From bottom to top: using foot movement to guide the movement of the skis The Method starts with A to include B

The Main Techniques of the method involve:

  • The 3 weight positions, longitudinal and lateral direction
  • The 3 different body stances
  • Isolation of pelvis/torso
  • Stride and crossover in different situations
  • Diagonal sliding to improve ski control and weight shifting: center, forward, backward
  • Snowplow, how to manage weight to turn in the smallest space possible and control speed even in the most difficult situations: from stride stance to crossover (stride + crossover)
  • Substitution from the diagonal and from a standstill
  • Parallel with weight shift and simultaneous crossover movement
  • Parallel with marked extension (dead point), with “double weight” and simultaneous crossover movement
  • Parallel without extension, non-simultaneous crossover movement
  • Parallel with torso rotation: on moguls with double support, turn with double support, jump turn with double support, from a standstill, steep terrain
  • Jump turn from a standstill and on the spot (simultaneous crossover)
  • Parallel with perception of the 8 or ∞ (infinity)
  • “Circle” exercise preparatory for weight management on fresh snow
  • Parallel on fresh snow, with perception of the reverse 8 or ∞ (infinity) from a standstill, with double support


  • Basic step with pause and wide arms
  • Advanced Crossover Step with pelvis/torso isolation
  • Reversal with Simultaneous Crossover pattern
  • Reversal with Advanced Crossover pattern

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