IAMAS Sports Climbing Masters are professionals trained directly by me on the principles of Climbing Technique and therefore the Caruso Method. This is, absolutely, the first professional figure of this type in Italy and can operate independently both indoors and outdoors. All the MAS have learned directly with the author all the technical and didactic aspects of the Method and are officially authorized to use it, together with the IAMA Instructors on the amateur side.

As the author of the Method, I was invited to take on the role of Technical Supervisor within the Technical Commission in IAMAS, being responsible for the technical quality of the training provided by the Association.

The training course of a MAS IAMAS lasts 400 hours, necessary to obtain the 1st degree, plus another 100 hours for the 2nd degree. To obtain the training qualification, an additional 100 hours of training are required. All MAS IAMAS are required to regularly attend refresher courses (continuous training) under penalty of forfeiture. It is therefore a demanding and highly qualified course. After the undersigned, the MAS trainers and, subsequently, the MAS of 2nd and 1st degree are the best experts in the Climbing Technique/Caruso Method, from a theoretical and practical point of view.

IAMAS – Italian Association of Sports Climbing Instructors was founded in February 2020 by a group of IAMA instructors , the official school of the Caruso Method previously created at the San Marino Alpine Club. IAMAS is a professional association created pursuant to Law 4/2013 and is included in the list of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy among the professional associations not organized into orders and colleges that issue the Certificate of quality and professional qualification of the services provided by members.

Click here for a complete list of MAS IAMAS.

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